Desk reviews of real estate appraisals from experienced Professionals

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HUD Approved Appraisers

The Appraisal Foundation

VA Approved

Ginnie Mae & Fannie Mae experience

Lincoln Graduate Center continuing Education

National Association of Master Appraisers

  • What is a desk review?
  • Why do I need a review?
  • How can you review an appraisal without seeing the property?
  • What form do you use?
  • Can this change the appraised value?
  • Who have you worked for in the past?
  • Are copies of your credentials available?
What is a desk review?
Quite simply, it is the best method of insuring quality work. Our experienced Appraisers review the work of others in search of discrepancies. They verify that the appraisal meets all standards set by the industry, appropriate comparable properties have been used, the correct adjustments were made and many other important items. This is done to insure that the values you receive are accurate and truthful. The DRF form is the accepted "report card" for a review and it encompasses 40 key areas. A quick look at the form will give you a feel for what is being examined.

Why do I need a review?
Think of a desk review as a cost-effective second opinion. Determining a properties true worth is extremely important. A miscalculation can result in a mortgage much greater than the value of the property, and that would be a costly mistake for the borrower and the Financial Institution. A desk review is often used as a "check-and-balance" system to insure that all Appraisers are submitting comparable quality work.

How can you review an appraisal without seeing the property?
A desk review concentrates on verifying the technical aspects of the appraisal. The methods and rules used when adjusting property values have quite an impact on the final outcome. We verify that the methods have been applied properly and consistently.

What form do you use?
The Financial Industry has standardized on form DRF to report on a desk review. Other supplements may be used in special circumstances, but the DRF is quite comprehensive.

Can this change the appraised value?
Yes, and no. If a reviewer does not agree with the final value of the appraisal a number of things may happen.
  • Simple mathematical errors are usually noted and the appraised value is changed when all parties agree.
  • The Appraiser may be required to justify certain aspects of an appraisal.
  • A Financial Institution may seek another appraisal.
  • The final judgment rests with the lender, but in most cases the Appraiser and Reviewer will clear up any questionable items.

    Who have you worked for in the past?
    With over 30 years of combined experience, the list would be overwhelming. Here are just a few of the names you probably recognize:
    H.U.D, Boatman Bank, Lenders Service, VA, Navy Federal Credit, Conseco Bank, Novus Financial, Advanta National Bank, Express Financial Services (EFS), Temple-Inland Mortgage Corporation, Swiss American Bank, PHH Mortgage Services, NationsBank, Cendant Mortgage, Freedom Financial, First Home Mortgage, First National Bank of Sharp County, Union Planters Bank, etc. . .

    Are copies of your credentials available?
    Yes, at Diversified Appraisals we are quite proud of our credentials and would be happy to fax them to you upon request.

    If you don't find the answers you need listed here, drop us a note at or call 870-994-2334
    We are always happy to answer your questions.
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